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Monash University

FIT2072 Educational multimedia - Semester 2, 2011

This unit examines the diversity of theoretical and conceptual frameworks which influence current research and production of educational multimedia applications. Topics will include: educational theory and practice, cognition and cognitive development, the differentiation between child and adult learners, catering to differences in the capacity to learn, for example, gifted and disabled learners, creating immersive and interactive learning environments, current debates surrounding e-Learning, and enabling equitable access to learning technologies. Students will be given an overview of issues and techniques for applying information technology to support instruction in educational and training contexts and gain practical experiences in managing a design process involving competing aspects of learning theories, content characteristics, audience needs and software development practices.

Mode of Delivery

  • Berwick (Day)
  • Caulfield (Day)

Contact Hours

2 hrs lectures/wk, 2 hrs tutorials/wk


For on campus students, workload commitments are:

  • two-hour lecture and
  • two-hour tutorial
  • a minimum of 8 hours of personal study/group work in order to satisfy the reading and assignment expectations.

Unit Relationships


FIT3033, MMS2701


FIT1035 or FIT2012

Chief Examiner

Campus Lecturer


Cheryl Howard


Michael Morgan

Academic Overview

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this unit students will have

A theoretical and conceptual understanding of:

  • the diversity of theoretical and conceptual frameworks which contribute to the current research and application of educational multimedia;
  • the uniquely immersive, engaging and interactive nature of educational multimedia learning environments; and
  • the correlation of the individual needs of a learner with an appropriate digital environment for the delivery of educational material and learning experiences.

Developed attitudes that enable them to:
  • be acquainted with and value the diversity of learning styles and requirements within the community and appreciate the need for an adaptive approach in the modification of technology to the requirements of both the learner and the educational content;
  • recognise the potential of multimedia in enabling educational access and equity.

Developed the skills to:
  • design and produce documents relating to the conceptual development of educational learning environments and the need for quality assurance in production processes;
  • develop applications of learning environments for specific learning needs.

Demonstrated the teamwork skills necessary to:
  • further develop communication and group work skills.

Graduate Attributes

Monash prepares its graduates to be:
  1. responsible and effective global citizens who:
    1. engage in an internationalised world
    2. exhibit cross-cultural competence
    3. demonstrate ethical values
  2. critical and creative scholars who:
    1. produce innovative solutions to problems
    2. apply research skills to a range of challenges
    3. communicate perceptively and effectively

Assessment Summary

Examination (2 hours): 25%; In-semester assessment: 75%

Assessment Task Value Due Date
Assignment 1: Seminar, Seminar Slides and Peer Assessment 20% Seminar Slides to be submitted by Friday 3 pm week 4. Seminars delivered and Peer Evaluation Sheets completed in weeks 5 to 11.
Assignment 2: Group Design Document 20% Friday 3 pm week 5
Assignment 3: Group Interactive Educational Multimedia Application 35% Friday 3 pm week 12
Examination 1 25 % To be advised

Teaching Approach

  • Studio teaching
    Studio teaching is a facilitated active, participatory, peer learning approach.

    This will take the form of students designing and developing an educational multimedia application in a group.
  • Problem-based learning
    Students are encouraged to take responsibility for organising and directing their learning with support from their supervisors. This will take the form of students investigating current issues in educational multimedia for learning and reporting the outcome of their investigation to their peers in the form of a seminar. Weeks 1 to 4 and 12 will involve lecturer delivered content. Weeks 5 to 11 will involve student delivered seminars, supplemented with micro lectures. The unit will use the Moodle open source online learning system.


Our feedback to You

Types of feedback you can expect to receive in this unit are:
  • Informal feedback on progress in labs/tutes
  • Graded assignments with comments
  • Other: Peer Assessment of Seminar Presentations

Your feedback to Us

Monash is committed to excellence in education and regularly seeks feedback from students, employers and staff. One of the key formal ways students have to provide feedback is through SETU, Student Evaluation of Teacher and Unit. The University's student evaluation policy requires that every unit is evaluated each year. Students are strongly encouraged to complete the surveys. The feedback is anonymous and provides the Faculty with evidence of aspects that students are satisfied and areas for improvement.

For more information on Monash's educational strategy, and on student evaluations, see:

Previous Student Evaluations of this unit

If you wish to view how previous students rated this unit, please go to

Recommended Resources


Unit Schedule

Week Activities Assessment
0 No formal assessment or activities are undertaken in week 0  
1 Educational Multimedia, Introduction, Assessment and Seminar Topics Seminar Topic Selection
2 Knowledge, Learning and Pedagogy  
3 Cognitive Architecture, Schema Theory and Cognitive Development  
4 Learning Theories Assignment 1: Seminar, Seminar Slides and Peer Assessment (20%) Due Friday 3 pm week 4. Seminar delivered and Peer Assessment completed weeks 5 to 11.
5 Micro Lecture - Student Seminars Assignment 2: Group Design Document (20%) Due Friday 3 pm week 5
6 Micro Lecture - Student Seminars  
7 Micro Lecture - Student Seminars  
8 Micro Lecture - Student Seminars  
9 Micro Lecture - Student Seminars  
10 Micro Lecture - Student Seminars  
11 Micro Lecture - Student Seminars  
12 Review Assignment 3: Group Interactive Educational Multimedia Application (35%) Due Friday 3 pm week 12.
  SWOT VAC No formal assessment is undertaken SWOT VAC
  Examination period LINK to Assessment Policy: http://policy.monash.edu.au/policy-bank/

*Unit Schedule details will be maintained and communicated to you via your MUSO (Blackboard or Moodle) learning system.

Assessment Requirements

Assessment Policy

To pass a unit which includes an examination as part of the assessment a student must obtain:

  • 40% or more in the unit's examination, and
  • 40% or more in the unit's total non-examination assessment, and
  • an overall unit mark of 50% or more.

If a student does not achieve 40% or more in the unit examination or the unit non-examination total assessment, and the total mark for the unit is greater than 50% then a mark of no greater than 49-N will be recorded for the unit

Assessment Tasks


  • Attempt all assessment tasks
  • It is your responsibility to advise lecturing staff immediately if members in group assessment tasks are not contributing equitably so that appropriate action can be taken.
  • If students are not contributing to group assignments equitably their marks for the assessment task may be scaled down by up to 50% to reflect their lack of contribution to the group.
  • Assessment task 1
    Assignment 1: Seminar, Seminar Slides and Peer Assessment
    A Seminar presentation of a minimum of 15 minutes (15 minutes for 1 person plus 5 minutes for each additional person) and 10 minutes questions. Presented by one, two or three students (depending on student numbers) and delivered to class in lectures in weeks 5 to 11. With presentation slides to be submitted to the lecturer for uploaded to the FIT2072/3033 MUSO site by Friday 3 pm week 4. Seminars will be peer assessed in conjunction with lecturing staff. Each week in the seminars you will be given a Seminar Peer Evaluation sheet for the seminar presentations, which must be completed and handed back at the end of the seminar.

    Seminar topics selected from the list provided.
    Criteria for assessment:

    Presentation Delivery and Slides Formatting (5)

    Content and Research (5)

    Relating the topic to educational multimedia and discussion of examples of educational multimedia packages (5)

    Peer Evaluation sheets (5 see below)

    Peer Assessment

    All students are expected to attend and contribute to the question time of the seminars.

    Assessment of seminar presentations will be based partly on lecturer assessment and partly on Peer Evaluation sheets completed by all students.

    Each week in the seminars you will be given a Seminar Peer Evaluation sheet for the seminar presentations, which must be completed and handed back at the end of the seminar.

    These will be used to help determine the grades for the group that is presenting the seminar.

    Marks will be awared as follows:

    Complete 80 to 100% of Peer Evaluation sheets = 5 marks

    Complete 70 to 79% of Peer Evaluation sheets = 4 marks

    Complete 60 to 69% of Peer Evaluation sheets = 3 marks

    Complete 50 to 59% of Peer Evaluation sheets = 2 marks

    Complete less than 50% of Peer Evaluation sheets = 0 marks

    Non-Performing group members ( refer above to Assessment - Task Participation)

    Due date:
    Seminar Slides to be submitted by Friday 3 pm week 4. Seminars delivered and Peer Evaluation Sheets completed in weeks 5 to 11.
    Seminar topics selected from the list provided or negotiated with the lecturer by Friday 3pm week 2.
  • Assessment task 2
    Assignment 2: Group Design Document
    Presentation by the group of a detailed project plan for an interactive multimedia learning environment and to be targeted at a given instructional methodology.
    Criteria for assessment:

    Professional Presentation of Documentation (5)

    Completion of Documentation Components (10)

    An Interesting and Original Concept (5)

    Due date:
    Friday 3 pm week 5
  • Assessment task 3
    Assignment 3: Group Interactive Educational Multimedia Application
    Production of a multimedia learning environment for a specific audience and context, that demonstrates; 1) clear instructional objectives, 2) the appropriate formatting and use of media for the presentation of content, 3) an effective instructional strategy that includes interactive elements, and 4) an appropriate assessment strategy.

    Your learning environment may target:

    1) Child learners

    2) Adult learners

    3) Workplace learning

    4) Online/Mobile learning
    Criteria for assessment:

    Clear Instructional Objectives (5)

    Effective Instructional Strategy (5)

    Creativity in Design and Major Interactivity (5)

    Appropriate Assessment Strategy and Feedback (5)

    Appropriate Formatting, Use of Media and Media Quality (10)

    Technical Excellence and Reliability (5)

    Due date:
    Friday 3 pm week 12


  • Examination 1
    25 %
    2 hours
    Type (open/closed book):
    Closed book
    Electronic devices allowed in the exam:
    Focusing on educational theory delivered in the lectures and micro-lectures.

Assignment submission

It is a University requirement (http://www.policy.monash.edu/policy-bank/academic/education/conduct/plagiarism-procedures.html) for students to submit an assignment coversheet for each assessment item. Faculty Assignment coversheets can be found at http://www.infotech.monash.edu.au/resources/student/forms/. Please check with your Lecturer on the submission method for your assignment coversheet (e.g. attach a file to the online assignment submission, hand-in a hard copy, or use an online quiz).

Extensions and penalties

Returning assignments

Other Information


Student services

The University provides many different kinds of support services for you. Contact your tutor if you need advice and see the range of services available at www.monash.edu.au/students The Monash University Library provides a range of services and resources that enable you to save time and be more effective in your learning and research. Go to http://www.lib.monash.edu.au or the library tab in my.monash portal for more information. Students who have a disability or medical condition are welcome to contact the Disability Liaison Unit to discuss academic support services. Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs) visit all Victorian campuses on a regular basis

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